Holy Week 2021

Easter Sunrise Chapel in the Woods

April 4, 2020 | 6:30 am
Pastor Pat shares the Sunrise from Chapel in the Woods, lights the candle and greets the dawn with a short devotion and prayer. 
Masking and Distancing practices will be observed. Pre-registration is not required; however, attendance will be noted for contact tracing purposes.

Easter In-Person Worship in the Sanctuary

April 4, 2021 | 9:30 am
Rev, Pat Abell
Masking and Distancing practices will be observed. Pre-registration is not required; however, attendance will be noted for contact tracing purposes. Please enter at front of church unless using Elevette (ramp door).

Online Easter Worship

April 4, 2021

Message: Take Heart!

In early morning, heart broken by the events of a trial, torture, crucifixion and death, Mary comes to the tomb and finds it …empty! Take Heart, this is not the end of the story, but a new beginning!
Let us celebrate the Risen Lord together! Come & see! Live and love! Christ is risen, Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia!
  • Scripture from Jeremiah 31 and John 20
  • Debra Bostron, Liturgist
  • Donna Benson, Children’s Time with Cole, Allison & Carly
  • Antuan Hairston, Director of Music Ministry
  • Saint James Chancel Choir
  • Clarice Snyder, Organist
  • Stephen Benson, Videography
  • Rev Patricia Abell, Pastor

Ringing of the Bells

Following Worship at 10 am.
Masking, Distancing and Engaging with the world by waving is expected as we celebrate the good news – Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen, Indeed!

Maundy Thursday

April 1, 2021

Maundy Thursday Service available on YouTube.