Services, Sermons & Weekly Guides

Sunday Worship Services

Worship Service: In Person and Online

Service begins at 9:30 am
Got worries, feel anxious? You are not alone! To increase peace in our hearts we will grow, study & pray with scriptures and strategies to calm the storm within. May your heart be filled with peace as we center, sing, and pray with one another.
Visit our Sunday Worship Services page to worship with us online.

Chapel in the Woods

Outdoor Worship Service: Sundays at 8:30 am

starting next June

In the warmer months, weather permitting, service is held in our beautiful Chapel in the Woods. 
There will be no Chapel in the Woods the first Sunday of ever month.   We will all worship together at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary.
Visit our Chapel in the Woods page for worship guides from these special services.

Chapel in the Woods