Saint James United Methodist ChurchWELCOME HOME

If you’re searching for a community of faith to call home, you are welcome at Saint James. We are a mix of talents, ideas, ages, and backgrounds. We offer many worship, service, learning, and fellowship opportunities for all ages.
We believe in the importance of living the example of Jesus, by responding to his call to take care of the other people in our world.


Our Sunday Worship Service is in person in our sanctuary and also  streamed live on YouTube. If you would like to receive a worship guide, just click on the link below or send us an email.

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Bonnie Inkman Living Legacy Scholarship Application Cycle is Open!

Saint James United Methodist Church is excited to
announce The Bonnie Inkman Living Legacy Scholarship, with updated policy guidelines for the 2024-25 application cycle is now Open.

This years Vacation Bible School was a great success.

Check out some of the pictures of the fun time had by all!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Fill My Days With Meaning

SCRIPTURE: Luke 5: 1-11 (NRSVue)
As we continue to examine how we might be transformed into devotees of the economy of Jesus, we remember this week that abundant lives are ones filled with meaning. Work and play are important parts of life but in the economy of Jesus, we are also called to fill our jars with meaning. What does this “mean,” so to speak? Amassing more resources than we need is a game that can leave us empty and can make us feel frightened even though we have enough. But when our lives are spent playing a different game of communal cooperation and transformation, we find a richness of soul and more than enough even in hard times.
9:20 am – Ringing of the Bell
9:30 am – Live and Online Worship in the Sanctuary
10:30 am – Friendship Time

Worship GuideMessage

  • Rev. Patricia Abell, Pastor
  • Antuan Hairston, Director of Music Ministry
  • Clarice Snyder, Organist/Pianist
  • Mary Anne Espenshade, Liturgist
  • Tainya Clarke, Children’s Message
  • Saint James Chancel Choir

Next Week’s Worship Service

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Fill My Future With Vision

SCRIPTURE: Luke 6: 17-26 (NRSVue)
Being “blessed” is something we too often associate with good luck or privilege or prestige. But in the economy of Jesus, blessedness is quite the opposite. It relies only on active participation in a kin-dom of God in which all are blessed and lifted up to a level playing field, especially those whose identity is demeaned by the powers-that-be. Jesus proclaims a vision of the future in which the jars of plenty never run dry and those who need to dip from plenty the most go to the front of the line.
9:20 am – Ringing of the Bell
9:30 am – Live and Online Worship in the Sanctuary
10:30 am – Friendship Time

Worship GuideMessage

  • Rev. Patricia Abell, Pastor
  • Antuan Hairston, Director of Music Ministry
  • Clarice Snyder, Organist/Pianist
  • Jan Petrosh, Liturgist
  • Jelinda Blum, Children’s Message
  • Saint James Handbell Choir
  • Laural Clark, Handbell Director

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